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  • Mega-i
  • GNC
  • TGT2
  • Equinix LA1
  • BDX SN1
  • Digital Realty Osaka 1


MEGA-i is one of the largest Internet Service Centre buildings in the world. This 30-story, 350,000 gross square feet data centre is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and a genuine resilient global network, which can be tailor-made to suit customers’ different power and deployment specifications.

Being a genuine carrier neutral data centre solutions provider, we are now operating as a Global Telecom Hub in Hong Kong with 200+ telco carriers, ISPs and other types of service providers connected by 9 submarine cable systems from all over the world. This gives our customers freedom to select their preferred network service providers.


China Mobile's international subsidiary has opened a global network centre (GNC) at the Tseng Kwan O industrial estate in Hong Kong - marking the first cable landing outside of mainland China by any Chinese mobile operator.The facility, China Mobile's largest network center, covers an area of about 9,700 sq m with a floor space of about 24,000 sq m. Serves as the hub of International Network Exchange, Internet Data Center (IDC) and Global Network Operation Center (GNOC) in one building,and it direct connect to all the cities in 31 Mainland Provinces, CMI's Hong Kong Local Ring and major data centers in Hong Kong


TGT2 is in Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate. It is a 5-floor stand-alone building with a gross area of 22,000 sq. meters and the level of TGT2 is T3+. We offer perfect infrastructure to ensure customer's data would be safe and stable. We also provide professional facilities management services and strong network infrastructure,and we can delay cloud computing platform for customer to meet more new demand. Different operator can access GNET data center and we shall provide round-the-clock monitoring and management

Equinix LA1

Equinix LA1 data center is one of the best Datacenter in downtown Los Angeles.It is located in Los Angeles IBX data center of Equinix. We have our own fiber connected to the One wilshire

building: low latency, minimal hops and top tier performance.

Our state-of-the-art facilities coupled with our uptime guarantee and connectivity that puts “The Fast and Furious” to shame, we can provide you with all the it services in Los Angeles you need to become a “star” in the city that makes them.


BDX SN1 is one ofthe most network-dense data center provider in Southeast Asia and offers access to many of the international and regional networks connecting the region, including one of the world’s 3 GRX peering points.It is located in Paya Lebar, Singapore, BDX SIN1 Singapore Data Center. It contains gross area of 14,400 sq. meters.

GNET’s Singapore data centre is located close to the financial district and city centre with access to all sub-sea cable systems landing in Singapore. Singapore is well placed to serve the fast-growing markets of the Asia-Pacific region and has grown to be a strategic link and important gateway for global investors.

Digital Realty Osaka 1

Digital Reakty Osaka 1 date center in Osaka are home to major internet and peering exchanges and a vibrant ecosystem of network, cloud and digital content providers. You can also take advantage of direct low-latency connections to the large Kansai user community.

It is located 20 km from the city centre and is a 8,271 m2 (80,000 sq ft) development offering excellent diversity from a power, cooling, security and connectivity perspective. The facility provides customers with multi-rack, cage and private suites configurations ranging from 2kW to over 2,400kW.

Digital Realty has deployed its latest global Connect@ScaleSM Data Centre Suites design topology optimized for Japan’s climatic conditions with particular focus on flexibility, reliability and energy efficiency.